понедельник, 4 октября 2010 г.

To the attention of WorldMapFinder.com editors and publishers | Armenion.com Armenian Daily e-Magazine

To the attention of WorldMapFinder.com editors and publishers | Armenion.com Armenian Daily e-Magazine


To the attention of WorldMapFinder.com editors and publishers!

May be you have received letters from azeries about the information of following page: (http://www.conflicts.rem33.com/images/The%20Caucasus/azerbaijan.htm)

We want to inform you, that it is a disinformation and this is the real facts about maps
The name “Azerbaijan” didn’t exist in 1914. In two Caucausian regions of Tsarian Russia Baku and Yelizavetpol, as national group were existed the caucausian tatars (or caucausian muslims)

The name “Azerbaijan” artificially was put in use by Caucausian tatars in 1918, when on the base of forms Tsarian Russian Baku and Elizavetpol regions was created Musavat Islamic Republic.

False map of Caucasus (1918)

False map of Caucasus (1918)

The name , which was mentioned on the map, “ Russian Armenia” never existed, especialy northern and southern Azerbayjan. “Russian Armenia” and and “Turkish Armenia” were only used in fiction literature . Actually the Armenian territories which was uder the rule of Russia were called Eastern Armenia, and the Armenian historical territories, which were in Osmanian Turkey were called Western Armenia.

In one of the maps, 1918-1920, the territory of Armenian republic is mentioned completely destorted locations and is mentioned the Republic of Karabakh, wich didn’t exist in that period and was the part of Armenian Republic. Therefore, we demand that the well- known and respected geographical resource management submit the proper version of geographical names

Thank you and hope you will take under the consideration this fact when editing the maps.

Signed by many Armenians.

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